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xenu link sleuth官网_

更新时间:2023-07-20 12:36:05 人气指数:

What is Xenu Link Sleuth?

Xenu Link Sleuth is a powerful website crawling tool that helps you find broken links, outdated pages, and other related issues on your website. It is a popular and widely-used software among webmasters and developers.

How does Xenu Link Sleuth work?

When you run Xenu Link Sleuth, it starts by checking all the links on your website"s homepage. It then follows each link to other pages on your site, creating a comprehensive list of all the URLs it discovers. It also checks each link to ensure that it is valid and functional. This process continues until all the pages have been crawled and checked.

What are the benefits of using Xenu Link Sleuth?

Xenu Link Sleuth offers several benefits for website owners and administrators. Firstly, it helps you identify and fix broken links, which improves the user experience on your site. It also helps you identify outdated pages that may need updating or removal. Additionally, Xenu Link Sleuth can detect issues such as redirect loops, missing titles or meta tags, and orphaned files. By addressing these issues, you can enhance your website"s performance, search engine ranking, and overall online presence.

Is Xenu Link Sleuth easy to use?

Yes, Xenu Link Sleuth is known for its user-friendly interface and easy-to-understand reports. Once you download and install the software, you simply enter your website"s URL and click on "Start." Xenu Link Sleuth then begins its crawling process and generates a detailed report that includes information on broken links, redirected URLs, and other issues. The report can be viewed within the application or exported in various formats for further analysis.

Is Xenu Link Sleuth a free tool?

Yes, Xenu Link Sleuth is a free tool that can be downloaded from its official website. It is a freeware software developed by Tilman Hausherr and has been available to users for many years. However, if you find the software helpful and would like to support its development, there is an option to donate to the creator.


Overall, Xenu Link Sleuth is a valuable tool for website owners and administrators who want to ensure that their websites are error-free and provide a seamless browsing experience for their visitors. With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive reports, Xenu Link Sleuth is a must-have software for anyone who wants to maintain a high-quality website.

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